“我一直强调‘清澈的水和葱郁的山是无价的资产’,这种观念在当今中国深入人心。 ”习近平主席在给英国小学生的回信中写道。
“I have always emphasized that ‘clear water and lush mountains are invaluable assets’. This concept is deeply rooted in the hearts of the Chinese people today.” President Xi Jinping wrote in a reply letter to British primary school students.
“‘Two Mountains Theory’ is beautiful”, “It left a deep impression on me”. Whether it is British primary school teachers, United Nations officials, experts and scholars, or fungal growers, the concept of “two mountains” is becoming more and more popular in Europe, Africa and the Middle East… Xi Jinping’s ecological civilization thought leads green actions and promotes green cooperation, Sow green seeds all over the world and work with other countries to shape the green future of mankind.
“‘两山论’很美”,“给我的印象很深”。无论是英国小学教师、联合国官员、专家学者,还是真菌种植者,“两座山”的概念在欧洲、非洲和中东越来越流行… 习近平的生态文明思想引领绿色行动,推动绿色合作,在全世界播撒绿色种子,与各国共同塑造人类绿色未来。