
孩子高烧42度 一出被窝全身冒烟 背后详情曝光

The child had a high fever of 42 degrees and smoked all over his body when he got out of bed. He was on the hot search and attracted the attention of netizens. What happened? From the video, it can be seen that after the child sat up from the bed, his whole body was emitting smoke, which looked “smoky.” According to the child’s mother, the child’s body temperature reached 42 degrees after a fever. And formed. Seeing the video, netizens left messages urging parents to take their children to the hospital and not burn them out.

孩子高烧42度,下床全身冒烟,登上热搜,引发网友关注。发生了什么事?从视频中可以看到,孩子从床上坐起来后,全身冒烟,看起来“烟雾缭绕” 据孩子母亲介绍,孩子发烧后体温高达42度,这种现象是他起床时由于与室温相差太大而形成的。 看到视频网友留言催促家长带孩子去医院,不要把孩子烧坏了。

孩子高烧42度, 一出被窝全身冒烟视频登上热搜,引起网友关注,具体怎么回事?从视频可以看到,孩子从被窝坐起后,全身冒烟看起来 ” 烟雾缭绕 “。据孩子妈妈称,孩子发烧后温度一度高达42度,一出被窝由于和室温相差太大就形成了这种现象。看到视频网友纷纷留言劝孩子父母带孩子去医院看看,别烧坏了。

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文章名称:《孩子高烧42度 一出被窝全身冒烟 背后详情曝光》
