


方法一,啃 我们小时候基本都知道这一招,甚至我也曾经有本事完美快速地啃出一颗又圆又对称的指甲。

方法二,挖 左手挑右脚,右手扣左脚。有些人还是对称艺术地挑你的左脚,就是容易不小心挑到外伤。

方法三,打磨 你可以看一下,参考一下自己的猫主人是怎么破坏沙发的。 在没有工具的情况下,人们会选择用石头磨指甲,方便快捷,比啃指甲更健康。

方法四,切割 这个方法对刀工来说是非常考验的方法。 另外,古代农民每天都要挖土,指甲的生长速度和磨损速度差不多。 有时候东西搬家容易断,所以很多人都长不了长指甲。

The ancient people did not have nail clippers to cut their nails. There are mainly nail gnawing, nail picking, nail grinding, and nail cutting.

Method one, chew. We all know this trick when we were young, and I even had the skill of nibbling out a round and symmetrical nail perfectly and quickly.

Method two, pick. The left hand picks the right foot, and the right hand picks the left foot. Some people pick it quite symmetrically, and it is artistic, but it is easy to pick and cause trauma if you are not careful.

Method three, grinding. You can watch and refer to how your own cat owner destroys the sofa. In the absence of tools, people will also choose to use stones to grind their nails, which is convenient and quick, and healthier than gnawing teeth.

Method four, cut. This method is a very test of knife skills. In addition, ancient farmers dig the soil and work every day, and the growth rate of nails is almost equal to the rate of wear. Sometimes it is easy to break when moving things, so many people can’t grow long nails.

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