
新冠为什么会失去嗅觉味觉 新冠后丧失嗅觉的关键原因找到了

新冠为什么会失去嗅觉味觉 新冠后丧失嗅觉的关键原因找到了 并不是所有感染新冠的人都会失去嗅觉和味觉,新冠失去嗅觉味觉的机制尚不明确,部分研究认为新冠会失去嗅觉味觉,可能是病毒感染导致嗅觉神经以及味蕾的支持细胞受损,所以造成嗅觉以及味觉丧失。

Not all people infected with the new crown will lose their sense of smell and taste. The mechanism of the new crown’s loss of smell and taste is still unclear. Some studies believe that the new crown will lose the sense of smell and taste. It may be that the virus infection causes damage to the support cells of the olfactory nerve and taste buds, which causes the sense of smell. and loss of taste.

The new crown is caused by a new type of coronavirus infection. The cause of the loss of smell and taste is not particularly clear. Some studies have shown that after infection with the new type of coronavirus, it may cause damage to the supporting cells in the olfactory nerve and taste bud tissue. Supporting cells It has the effect of nourishing nerves and taste buds, so it will affect the function of olfactory nerves and taste buds, resulting in loss of sense of smell and taste. However, some patients do not experience loss of smell or taste after being infected with the new coronavirus.

The new crown is a relatively serious infectious disease, which may be transmitted through direct contact or droplets. Once infected, it may affect your health and cause respiratory symptoms or digestive symptoms. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to personal protection, wear a mask when going out, disinfect and clean in time, and pay attention to strengthening hygiene care to prevent virus infection.



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