

21日上午9时许,上海某广场外的装饰摊位和装饰圣诞树起火,未造成人员伤亡。 火灾的具体原因和损失正在调查中。


At about 9:00 am on the 21st, a decoration booth and a decorated Christmas tree outside a square in Shanghai caught fire, causing no casualties. The specific cause and loss of the fire are under investigation.

A huge Christmas tree caught fire in a square in Shanghai

At around 9 o’clock this morning, some netizens reported that the decoration booths and Christmas trees outside the World Expo Plaza on Mengzi Road, Longhua East Road, Huangpu District caught fire.

At 12:00 noon, the reporter saw at the scene that the decoration booth that was on fire was in a mess. The words “Bohui Plaza” are written on the door of the booth, and the surroundings are separated by fences. No one is allowed near it. There were staff cleaning up the decorative red balls at the scene, and there was still a burning smell in the air. According to observations, the burning Christmas tree was about 8 meters high and only burned to the iron frame. Many of the decorations under the tree were burnt and blackened.

Witnesses told reporters that the fire broke out at around 9:10 this morning, when they saw the decorated Christmas tree on the square on fire, and the fire at the scene was fierce. “There are a lot of decorative plastic products on the outside of the Christmas tree, so black smoke will be produced after burning.” The staff on the square immediately brought a fire extinguisher to put out the fire and called the police at the same time.

According to the information announcement released by the official Weibo of the Huangpu District Fire Rescue Detachment: At 09:13 on December 21, 2022, the Municipal Emergency Center received a report of a fire at No. 788, Zhongshan South Road, Huangpu District, and immediately dispatched fire engines and fire rescue personnel to the scene for disposal. . The fire was extinguished at 9:19. The scene of the fire was a temporary decoration booth on the open square, and there were no casualties. The specific cause and loss of the fire are under investigation.


中午12点,记者在现场看到,着火的装饰摊位一片狼藉。摊位门上写着“博汇广场”字样,周围用围栏隔开。不允许任何人接近它。现场有工作人员在清理装饰红球,空气中还有一股烧焦的味道。 据观察,着火的圣诞树高约8米,只烧到了铁架。 圣诞树下的许多装饰品被烧坏,表面被熏黑。

目击者告诉记者,火灾发生在今天早上9点10分左右,当时他们看到广场上的装饰圣诞树着火了,现场火势凶猛。 “圣诞树外面有很多装饰性的塑料制品,所以燃烧后会产生黑烟。 “广场上的工作人员马上拿来灭火器灭火,同时报警。

据黄浦区消防救援支队官方微博发布的信息通报:2022年12月21日09时13分,市应急中心接报黄浦区中山南路788号发生火灾,立即调派消防车和消防救援人员赶赴现场处置。大火于9点19分被扑灭。 火灾现场是露天广场上的临时装饰摊位,无人员伤亡。 火灾的具体原因和损失正在调查中。

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