12月21日,广州日报全媒体记者从广州和睦家医院获悉,12月22日起,该院发热门诊将提供新冠肺炎特效药Paxlovid。 届时,发烧患者可以去医院的发热门诊,医生会根据病情判断是否开Paxlovid。 据记者调查,新冠肺炎特效药Paxlovid的费用在2300元左右,检查费用在6000元以上。这种药每天限量供应,售完即止。
”(新冠肺炎特效药Paxlovid)明天到,不能直接买。你必须有一个新冠肺炎患者去看发热门诊。经过一系列检查后,医生会判断病人是否可以用药。 12月21日,记者以患者身份致电广州和睦家医院,医院相关工作人员告诉记者。 记者了解到,医院24小时发热门诊和急诊服务运行正常,看病需要绿色代码。
On December 21, all media reporters from Guangzhou Daily learned from Guangzhou United Family Hospital that from December 22, Paxlovid, a specific drug for the new crown, will be available in the fever clinic of the hospital. At that time, patients with fever can go to the fever clinic of the hospital for treatment, and the doctor will judge whether to issue a prescription for Paxlovid according to the condition. The reporter’s investigation found that the cost of Paxlovid, a special drug for the new crown, is about 2,300 yuan, and the inspection fee is more than 6,000 yuan.
“(Paxlovid, a special drug for the new crown) will arrive tomorrow, and it cannot be purchased directly. It must be a patient with the new crown who comes to the fever clinic. After the doctor conducts a series of examinations on the patient, he will judge whether the patient can use the drug.” December 21 , The reporter called Guangzhou United Family Hospital as a patient, and the relevant staff of the hospital told the reporter. The reporter learned that the hospital’s 24-hour fever clinic and emergency services are operating normally, and you need to see a doctor with a green code.