


北京同仁堂施小墨中医诊所全体员工表示沉痛哀悼!Mr. Shi Xiaomo, Director of Beijing Tongrentang/[k1/] Center for Traditional Chinese Medicine, the son of the Four Great Beijing Doctors/[k0/] and the academic successor of his school, died in Beijing in the early morning of December 20, 2022 at the age of 78.

All the staff of Beijing Tongrentang Shi Xiaomo Traditional Chinese Medicine Clinic express their deep condolences!

Mr. Shi Xiaomo inherited his father’s mantle, taught in the imperial court since he was a child, inherited his family’s learning, stood on the platform of his father’s true biography, constantly pursued innovation, and had in-depth research in the integration of traditional Chinese and Western medicine, syndrome differentiation and treatment. In 1970, he graduated from the Department of Medicine of Capital Medical University. Clinical western medicine, traditional Chinese medicine syndrome differentiation, flexible prescriptions, and a wide range of medications. Specializes in the treatment of various difficult and miscellaneous diseases in internal medicine, gynecology and pediatrics. Especially in the field of cancer treatment, he pioneered the treatment of six syndromes of cold, heat, deficiency, dampness, poison, and stasis, and the curative effect is remarkable.

Mr. Shi Xiaomo went from Shi Jinmo Clinic to Shi Xiaomo Clinic, and then to Beijing Tongrentang Shi Xiaomo Clinic for decades. He has devoted his whole life to the cause of Chinese medicine, and has visited overseas many times to promote Chinese medicine, which has greatly deepened the understanding of Chinese medicine culture at home and abroad. Mr. Shi Xiaomo continues to promote the fame, skill and virtue of famous doctors to benefit patients and society.

We will always remember the achievements of Mr. Shi Xiaomo and miss Mr. Shi forever.

Source: Beijing Tongrentang Shi Xiaomo Museum of Traditional Chinese Medicine





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