
今日冬至入九 冷空气携大风降温赶来

Recently, cold air frequents Jincheng. Today will usher in the winter solstice solar terms, Jincheng enters the ninth day of the lunar month, and the cold air will also arrive in due course, bringing strong winds to cool down.

According to the analysis of the latest weather monitoring information, during the day today, the wind force increased to 5 to 6, and the gusts were 7 to 8. The Municipal Meteorological Observatory issued a blue warning signal for land gale at 16:07 yesterday. At 16:19 yesterday, the Ocean Center Meteorological Observatory also issued a blue warning signal for strong winds at sea: it is expected that by the first midnight of today, Tianjin Port, Nangang, Tianjin Port Anchorage, and the central waters of the Bohai Sea will have northwest winds of magnitude 6-7 and gusts of 8-9 class. By then, the city’s maximum temperature will drop to around -2 ℃. Then on the morning of the 23rd, the minimum temperature in the urban area will drop to about -8°C, and the minimum temperature in the northern area will drop to about -12°C. During the day on the 23rd, there will still be northwest winds of magnitude 4 to 5, and gusts of magnitude 6.

Meteorological experts reminded that during the cold air process, the wind chill effect was obvious throughout the process. People should try to avoid staying outdoors for a long time, and pay attention to adding clothes to keep warm.

最近冷空气频繁光顾晋城。 今天将迎来冬至节气,晋城进入初九,冷空气也将适时到来,带来大风降温。

根据最新气象监测信息分析,今天白天,风力加大到5到6级,阵风7到8级。 市气象台昨日16时07分发布陆地大风蓝色预警信号。 昨天16时19分,海洋中心气象台也发布了海上大风蓝色预警信号:预计到今天前半夜,天津港、南港、天津港锚地、渤海中部海域将有6-7级西北风,阵风8-9级。 届时,全市最高气温将降至-2℃左右。然后23日早晨市区最低气温会降到-8℃左右,北部地区最低气温会降到-12℃左右 23日白天,仍有4到5级西北风,阵风6级。


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